Relevant & Important Information About Personal Injury Law So You Can Be In The Know

Smiley & Smiley

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Car Accidents

Knowledgeable New York City Car Accident Attorneys

There were more than 300,000 motor vehicle accidents in New York state in 2011. Of these, more than 120,000 involved injuries to the driver. If you were injured in a car accident in New York City, you are not alone. There are resources available to you, and you may be able to secure compensation for your injuries.



Legal Representation Regarding Injuries Requiring Amputation

When someone loses a limb or limbs in an accident, crucial legal questions immediately arise. Who is liable for the accident? What really caused the accident? And what is the financial value of a potential case, i.e., what future income will be lost, what past, present and future expenses will be incurred, and what dollar value can be attached to pain, suffering and diminished quality of life?


Consumer Products

New York City Consumer Product Liability Injury Compensation

From appliances to children's toys, we expect all consumer products to be safe for us and those we love. When a product is negligently designed or manufactured, it can lead to devastating, unexpected injuries. If you or a loved one was injured by a defective consumer product, you need an experienced attorney to help you hold the designer or manufacturer accountable.


Broken Stair Rails

Injuries Due To Broken Stair Rails

Even comparatively small buildings in New York City can have dozens of stairwells and stair rails. When someone purchases a building, they assume responsibility to maintain each of the building's staircases. When they fail in this responsibility, and injuries occur as a result, property owners must be held responsible.


Tourist Injuries

Compassionate New York Attorneys Helping Injured Tourists

One of the outstanding features of New York City is the warm welcome that our city gives to visitors. New York City welcomes people from throughout North America and the world on a regular basis. From recreating movie stars renting penthouse apartments to backpacking students staying in youth hostels, a wide range of visitors can be found in New York at all times.


Laser and Lasik Eye Surgery

Skilled Optometrist Negligence Attorneys

Laser and Lasik eye surgery is one of our era's miracle medical procedures. A miracle, though, can quickly become a nightmare if your eye surgeon doesn't exercise reasonable care.


Ironworker Accident Attorneys for the Bronx, New York City

Ironworker Accident Lawyers Located In New York City

Ironworkers expose themselves to many dangers at construction sites. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that ironworkers have one of the most dangerous jobs in the nation due to working at incredible heights, working outside in all types of weather and working with heavy objects. These dangers, unfortunately, cause many ironworkers suffering serious on-the-job injuries each year, even when the proper precautions were in place.


Non-Citizen Injury Claims

Compassionate Noncitizen Injury Claim Representation

As with our firm's practice dedicated to serving the legal needs of injured tourists here in New York, the law firm of Smiley & Smiley, LLP, understands the unique legal needs facing injured noncitizens injured in New York. Our firm has committed itself to protecting the rights of people injured here in New York who do not have official documentation of citizenship while residing in the United States and in New York City, specifically.


Surgical Errors

Established New York Surgeon Malpractice Attorneys

While surgeries are most often highly complex, surgical errors can be quite simple. Was the doctor rushing when he or she grazed an adjacent organ or nerve with the scalpel? Were clearly laid-out procedures ignored? Were time-honored and even professionally or legally mandated standards of procedure brushed aside, resulting in serious injuries or wrongful death?


Burn Injuries

New York City Burn Injury Attorneys

At the New York City law office of Smiley & Smiley, LLP, we understand that burn injuries can change your life forever and require multiple skin grafts and years of rehabilitation/physical therapy. The lifelong financial toll of a burn injury can be in the millions of dollars. The reduced quality of life and emotional damage caused by scarring and other effects of serious burns must also be taken into account. Your personal injury settlement or verdict should reflect these lifelong financial and emotional costs.

To learn about our settlements, verdicts and case results, click below: