Relevant & Important Information About Personal Injury Law So You Can Be In The Know

Residential Fires

Attorneys Who Understand Residential Fire Cases

Fatal and life-changing residential fires affect hundreds of people throughout the five boroughs of New York City each year. Sadly, investigations clearly show that many residential fires could have been prevented, or less serious, if rental property owners had complied with fire codes in an effort to keep the premises safe for tenants.


Hotel Accidents

Experienced New York City Hotel Accident Attorney

New York hotels serve all kinds of people, and provide a vast range of amenities and conveniences. Like other commercial property owners, hotel operators and their agents are required by law to keep their premises safe — including pools, stairways, bars and restaurants, fitness facilities, spas and other common areas in addition to guest rooms.


Injuries at the Gym

Representing You Following Gym Injury Accidents

People who want to improve their physical fitness in New York City have many options. One of the most popular is to join a gym or fitness club, where you have reason to believe facilities will be well-maintained and your safety will be a priority. Unfortunately, the gym and personnel you depend on may let you down and serious injuries can occur.


Apartment Building Worker Accidents

Knowledgeable Apartment Workplace Injury Attorneys

Building workers throughout the five boroughs and surrounding New York counties have a range of duties that may bring them into contact with defective equipment and dangerous conditions. Horrific injuries can result from malfunctions of trash compactors, incinerators and other heavy machinery, putting the victim in need of substantial compensation to cover medical costs, lost wages and other costs.

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