Relevant & Important Information About Personal Injury Law So You Can Be In The Know

Our Legal Podcast That Counts Toward Your CLE in NYC And Beyond

Posted by Smiley & Smiley on Jun 21, 2021 11:24:22 AM

Our legal podcast, The Mentor Esquire, is a powerful resource for aspiring or practicing lawyers. The idea is to pass on what we've learned over the years successfully running personal injury lawsuits -- both in cases where they ran all the way through trial with a jury and in scenarios where we reached a settlement prior to trial.

Not only is this practical advice you can walk away with and enhance your approach right away, but time spent consuming the legal podcast counts toward your CLE as well.

You can access this podcast through all the major podcast networks, or simply by visiting That website houses every episode we've done, starting with the most recent.

If you're joining us now and want to get caught up, you can peruse all the available subjects we've covered and listen to whichever you feel will help you the most.

Starting this month in June 2021 we've also launched The Round Table as an extension of the podcast.

The Round Table is set up more like a webinar where participants can ask questions directly and get advice on specific challenges they're having related to the overall topic. This portion is not CLE-specific, but allows the legal community to share knowledge and gain valuable insight.

You can also submit your questions ahead of time and Andrew will address them during specific talking points.

We ask that you fill out the form (via the link above) to submit questions. In either case, if you'd like to attend we ask that you register the same way you would any webinar. The link button is also on The Round Table linked page above.

Topics: podcast, CLE

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