On behalf of Smiley & Smiley, LLP posted in Personal Injury on Monday, February 11, 2013.
The New York subway system is the busiest in the nation and one of the busiest in the world. Each year, approximately 1.6 billion rides are taken on NYC subway lines. As a simple percentage, the 55 individuals who died in New York subway accidents last year seems like a small number in comparison to the number of rides taken. However, each of those 55 individuals was someone. Each was someone who deserved to be protected by the city from a fatal subway accident.
In response to the fact that New York experienced more fatal subway accidents in 2012 than in any other recent year, city officials have been inspired to begin addressing this issue with the urgency it deserves. Their efforts became even more pressing when two individuals were pushed to their deaths on the tracks in separate instances last month.
However, it has yet to be determined whether or not city officials will react broadly enough to have a significant impact on subway safety. Current proposals include auditory announcements in several languages aimed at keeping riders from standing too close to the tracks. However, it may take far more than commonsense announcements to protect the public.
An additional proposal involves the construction of glass or other transparent safety barriers. This option may afford the public more protection overall, but may also be difficult to implement in a system that it already aging and fairly set in its basic construction.
Whatever city officials decide to do, it is imperative that they keep the ultimate goal of public safety in mind. If measures will do little more than voice commonsense out loud to a public likely to tune out the warnings, little may ultimately change.
Source: Wall Street Journal, "NYC subway safety options discussed," Jan. 28, 2013
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