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Avoiding possible negligence caused by long ER wait times

Written by Smiley & Smiley | Dec 6, 2016 9:57:46 PM

When New Yorkers suffer certain injuries or illnesses, they sometimes need to seek immediate care. This may require a visit to the emergency room. However, in some situations, a long wait may exacerbate a patient's poor condition. As a result, there has been a push within the industry to improve ER wait times.

According to emDocs, it is important to address ER overcrowding in order to reduce the amount of time a patient spends awaiting treatment. Doctors may be able to speed up the admission and discharge process by effectively using technology. For example, if a practitioner creates, saves and uses customized templates that detail previously prescribed treatment plans, the time a patient spends in the ER may be cut down.

Also, it is recommended that hospitals refrain from decreasing staff and operations during non-business hours. Additionally, time might be saved if patients are not required to complete registration before being assigned a bed. Instead, an effective approach may be to perform the process after the bed has been designated to the patient. Overall, the hope is that the refinement of hospital processes may reduce the occurrence of errors such as sentinel events, which subsequently may result in fewer claims of negligence. 

But, preventative strategies are not restricted to health care facilities. CNN discusses how patients may be able to avoid long ER wait times. It is suggested that a patient not be afraid to ask questions. It may be necessary for him or her to ask for a supervisor if he or she feels that treatment is crucial due to a worsening condition. This may be a better plan than leaving the ER in frustration.

Furthermore, if a patient has a primary care physician, it might be a good idea for the physician to relay health information to the ER ahead of time. In addition, if a patient's needs are not immediate, he or she should try to avoid the beginning of the week, which tends to be busier. Both patients and ER facilities may have the ability to prevent unfortunate situations that are caused by long wait times.