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Tips for sharing the road with large tractor trailers

Written by Smiley & Smiley | Oct 5, 2016 9:23:23 PM

It is not rare to come across a commercial vehicle when traveling on New York's streets and highways. Unfortunately, hazardous situations may occur when drivers of passenger vehicles do not understand how to share the road with these big rigs. Following a few tips may significantly reduce the chances of a serious accident involving a tractor trailer.

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance points out that there are a several danger areas around a truck because its size can make it difficult for the driver to see certain parts of the road, referred to as "no zones." As such, one of the primary safety tips for avoiding a dangerous incident with a large truck is to steer clear of those blind spots. If a passenger vehicle is in one of these spaces, the risk of an accident increases. Motorists should not travel too closely in front of or behind a tractor trailer. Also, if it is necessary to pass, the left side is a better choice because on the right, a much larger blind spot extends from the back of the trailer all the way to the front of the truck.

Another way to share the road with a tractor trailer is simply to give it some space. Factors such as speed and weight can affect the amount of time it takes them to stop. This is usually much longer than a small car. The New York Department of Motor Vehicles reports that in some instances, a trailer truck moving at 55 miles per hour can travel over 400 feet after initiating the brake system. To account for stop time, other drivers should not make any sudden movements such as cutting off the truck. Also, using turn signals well before a maneuver such as a turn or pass may help a big rig operator be prepared to effectively slow down his or her vehicle.

Although motorists do not have control over the behaviors of commercial vehicle operators, they may still prevent an accident by recognizing road dangers and understanding how to respond to them.