Personal Injury Law - Blog

Important construction fall-related safety basics for workers

Written by Smiley & Smiley | Dec 9, 2013 2:43:38 AM

Construction in New York City is a unique practice. No other city in America is as populated, as dense and contains so many massive structures. As a result, the kinds of construction accidents that tend to befall workers in New York are somewhat unique as well. It is for this reason that construction workers in New York must advocate on their own behalf if basic safety protocols are not being properly followed on any sites they are working on.

For example, fall injuries on a New York City construction site can be fatal. Whether you are working three stories up or 85 stories up, a fall could cost you your life. As a result, it is critical that your employer enforces certain basic fall prevention measures. Among these measures may be safety net systems, guardrail systems and personal fall arrest systems. If none of these systems are properly in place whenever workers are engaged in construction activities six feet off the ground or higher, they risk potentially injurious or fatal falls.

It can be difficult and frightening to insist that your employer must follow basic safety protocols. This can be especially true if you do not speak English well or if you are worried that speaking up may cost you your job. However, failure to do so may cost you your life. If you have been harmed as a result of inadequate safety protections, please do not hesitate to contact an experienced personal injury attorney who can help you navigate your legal options. And if you have yet to be harmed but are afraid that you are working in unsafe conditions, please reach out to an attorney as well.  

Source: United States Department of Labor, "Unprotected Sides, Wall Openings, and Floor Holes"