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Recognizing and reducing the cost of traumatic brain injuries

Posted by Smiley & Smiley on Jan 31, 2017 6:02:15 PM

Many New Yorkers might find themselves involved in serious car accidents. Sadly, becoming the victim of a vehicle collision can result in brain injuries that have long-lasting effects. These traumatic brain injuries are costly for both the victims and society in general. While preventing a TBI-causing car crash is not always possible, there may still be the potential for lessening the negative results of its aftermath.

The TBI problem is significant, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. When it comes to deaths caused by brain injuries, nearly 32 percent are the result of car accidents and other road incidents. This is currently the leading cause of TBI-related fatalities across all age groups. In many cases, a brain injury may result in complications affecting emotional stability, sensory processing, motor skills and cognitive abilities. Statistics show that over 40 percent of hospitalized victims develop a disability a year after their brain injury. Furthermore, the year 2010 revealed that the overall costs associated to TBIs were near $80 billion.

Next Avenue discusses how the economic consequences of TBIs might be mitigated. It is suggested that providing job resources and assistance may be key. Currently, the homelessness and unemployment rates attributed to brain injury sufferers are higher than other groups; however, research shows that people with disabilities akin to TBIs tend to stay in their job positions and improve employers’ retention rates. Advocates suggest that employment may not only help victims with the financial burden of a lifetime of TBI treatments, but also provide them with the sense of self-worth and purpose necessary for effective rehabilitation.

Topics: car accidents

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